Anyone with brains knows this to be entirely wrong.
Afghanistan is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic country with Pashtuns being only 42% of the population. "Afghans" are simply a people who share a common nationality, much like "Americans", "Canadians" or any other.
The people who inhabit the present-day landmass known as "Afghanistan" are called Afghans. 42% of these people are Pakhtuns, 27% Tajik, 9% Hazara, 9% Uzbek, 4% Aimak, 3% Turkmen, 2% Baloch and 4% other.
This is clear proof Afghan and Pashtun are not the same. Pashtuns are just a percentage of the Afghan population.
If Pashtun is an equivalent for Afghan, then Fars/Persian is an equivalent for Iranian, Punjabi is an equivalent for Pakistani and so on.
The agenda behind the Afghan=Pashtun lie is to take away the NWFP from Pakistan and give it to Afghanistan. By this contrast the fascist, intolerant Karzai regime and their predecessors the Afghan royal family should have released the Uzbek populated lands of Afghanistan to Uzbekistan. The Turkmen populated lands to Turkmenistan, the Tajik occupied lands to Tajikistan.
Also by this contrast the Indian Brahmins should allow the people of the Bengal state of India to re-unite with Bangladesh as well as handover their Punjab state to Pakistan as Pakistan's majority population is of Punjabi speaking background.
Afghanistan has tried to steal Pakistan's western provinces ever since the departure of the British while at the same time maintaining it's illegal existence and occupation on Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen and Hazaara lands.
Let us not forget the Afghan state was illegally carved out of lands inhabited by Uzbeks, Tajiks, Hazaaras, Turkmens whom ever since have sought to unite with their ethnic brotherin living across artificially constructed borders in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan respectively.
Because the fascist Pashtun regimes of Afghanistan have refused to accept the Durand line and have waged several wars against Pakistan in an attempt to steal Balochistan and the NWFP, Pakistan in turn got involved in Afghan politics and aided the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Hazaraas and the Turkmens in their mission to break away from the illigal state of Afghanistan.
Coming to racial and linguistic lines, Afghanistan is clearly an artificial country and can be broken into two main racial groups:
Caucasianoids (mainly Pakhtuns, Tajiks, Baloch) and Mongoloids (mainly Uzbeks, Hazaaras and Turkmens).
Clearly Mongoloids and Caucasianoids are of two completely different origins.
Along linguistic lines "Afghanistan" can once again be divided into two main linguistic groups. One being Indo-Iranic the other being Turkic.
The Uzbeks and Turkmens fall into the Turkic grouping. The Tajiks, Pashtuns and Baloch fall into the Indo-Iranic grouping (though Tajiks have heavy Turkic/Mongoloid racial infleuence). The Hazaaras, though Indo-Iranic speaking are actually of Turko-Mongoloid origins like the Uzbeks and the Turkmens so they too fall under the Turkic grouping.
A few facts about the Pashtuns whichever side of the durand line they live on:
-They are caucasianoid, like the rest of Pakistan clearly showing a common origin with most of Pakistan than with other populations in Afghanistan.
-The majority of them are from the Pakistani side of the border.
-They are Indo-Iranic speaking, like the rest of Pakistan.
-The Pashtuns being Caucasians do NOT share a common origin with the Mongoloid/Turanoid Uzbeks, Hazaras or Turkmens.
So racially and linguistically the facts show the Pashtuns are more Pakistani than "Afghan" though the Pashtuns of Afghanistan will never accept this.
Pakistani Pashtuns on the other hand mostly remain indifferent to the issue of the Durand line. They are also scattered throughout Pakistan in search of a better life and can be found in Pakistan's industrialized areas such as Karachi where they have more oppertunities. This would not be possible in Afghanistan which is completely war torn, thanks to the ignorence of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan.
Solution to the Durand line problem and Afghan civil war:
The ruling Pashtun elites from Afghanistan need to come out of their ignorance and face reality instead of pretending they are the only ethnic group inhabiting Afghanistan.
They cannot hold on to the lands they captured to carve out Afghanistan in 1747, at least not without fueling another long, bloody civil war costing many of their own lives. The Turko-Mongoloid populations of Afghanistan will not leave as the Pashtuns want them to. They lived in the area for centuries much before the Pashtuns occupied them to carve out "Afghanistan." They will not suddenly move out after all these centuries.
And despite Tajiks being ethnicly closer to the Pashtuns, the Pashtuns have also refused to accept them as Afghan. Likewise the Tajiks have in turn have resisted Pakhtun imperialism and hegemony.
Clearly, the non-Pakhtun majority of Afghanistan are there to stay and are as "Afghan" as the Pakhtuns. Afghanistan's Pashtuns will have to clearly accept what is not theirs. Baluchistan and the NWFP are going to remain with Pakistan. Pakistan has a legitimate claim to them along racial, linguistic and historic lines. After all many pre-historic civilization in Pakistan (particularly the Indus Valley Civilization) contained both regions.
Afghanistan can only prosper if the Pashtuns accept that they are not the only ethnic group living there and stop claiming lands that do not belong to the Afghan state-unless they are willing to loose territory in return.
Instead they should share power with the non-Pashtun majority to defuse tensions and promote unity. It also may perhaps discourage Uzbeks, Turkmens, Tajiks from joining the neighboring Stans and Pakistan is likely to stop backing their separatist ambitions in return provided the ruling Pashtun elites abandon their falsified claims over Pakistani lands.
The possible consequences of continuous Pashtun Afghan imperialism and seeking partnership with Brahmin Hindutva fascists:
-Pakistani nationalists in turn would continue to seek an alliance with Turkic and Tajik nationalists and try to break up Afghanistan once and for all. This has been seen in the past few decades long before the Afghan civil war erupted in the late 1980s.
-Pan-Turkic movements in Turkey and thought the former Soviet Union seek to break away Turkic inhabited areas in Afghanistan and emerge them into "South Turkestan"
They are most likely to gain Pakistani state backing in the future should Afghanistan's Pashtun elites continue to align themselves with Brahmin Hindutvas and continue to lay false claim on what is rightfully Pakistani territory.
Conclusively another bloody, larger and regional conflict may be underway in the coming future, involving allot more than just Afghan Pashtuns elites and the Pakistani government should the Pashtun elites of Afghanistan seek the wrong path and get other parties or entities involved in another pointless and preventable conflict.
War is not in the interests of any state or ethnic group and must be the last measure taken in a situation of conflicting ambitions between states and/or ethnic groups.
To learn the whole truth regarding the Durand line please click the following link:
A Pashtun Afghan. His first hand look clearly gives away his Caucasian skull & genetic stock:
An Uzbek "Afghan" note despite his dark brown complexion his Turanoid origins are obvious in his Mongoloid face:
Do the the "Afghans" pictured above look like they could be of the "same race?"
Pashtun fascists brutally murder Uzbeks for challenging the continuing imbalance of ethnic power in Afghanistan:
A demographic map of Afghanistan. A little outdated, but all ethnic groups shown on the map still exist today and less than 50% are Pashtuns/Pakhtuns:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think your bias is prevelant throughout this article.
ReplyDeleteI as a British Pashtun who's grandparents emigrated to England from NWFP.I consider myself to be an Afghan. This does not mean I exclude any other ethnic groups ( I couldn't I am apparently a small portion hazara) however as Turkish is to Turk and Kurd and so is Afghanistan to Afghans and Pashtuns.
I will refer you to a common saying ' All pashtuns are Afghans. Not all Afghans are pashtuns' I am an Afghan first and foremost. British next and the rare times we go back to NWFP I still do not consider myself a Pakistani. Ever.
I think you try in vain to battle an issue that is so important to all Afghans ( including pashtuns regardless of which side of the border they are on) I am what I am.
The country I point back to that retains my history is Afghanistan and then wherever else I came from. The country you point to is Pakistan and then India and then whereever.
I'm sorry but we the pashtuns of NWFP are what we consider ourselves to be....and no offence to you but we will not let someone who is not even Afghan/Pashtun to determine what we can class ourseleves as and what we can not.
You only have to look at the pashtun youth whose family come from the NWFP side of the border. They have facebook names such as 'Khan afg' Afg meaning Afghanistan. Not Pakistan. They themselves who should have more of a preferance to Pakistan retain the identity of an Afghan. Ask them what they are and they will reply Afghan.
Firstly you're a minority who is saying this. The most patriotic Pakistanis are Pashtun and a significant amount are serving in the Pakistani army - need I say more? P.s. I spent my whole childhood around Pathans from Pakistan. Secondly, 'Khan' is an Afghan name? Seriously? It's a Mongolian name. You need to read up on your heritage. If we were to give Pashtun people a different name tomorrow, your argument that Afghanistan literally translates into land of Pashtuns would be irrelevant. Other people have mentioned in the comments section that Afghanistan is much older than Pakistan- that's true but Afghanistan once did not exist. Now that it's falling to pieces you're trying to steal land that is no longer associated with Afghanistan. Also, someone in the comments section mentioned that Pakistan is funding the Taliban as though Afghanistan is full of saints. Bullshit. The Taliban are Afghan and Afghans themselves are allowing them to exist. Fighting against terror or breeding it? The latter, clearly.
DeleteAfghan refugees trying to make people believe that Pakistani Pakhtuns would betray their country. A frequent claim of theirs.
ReplyDeleteHahahahah, you're a Tajik scum, do you not realize that Jat Sikhs within Punjab have long heads, wheatish skin, and are of a lot taller stature than the average Middle Easterner or South Asian, Pakistani Pashtuns are R1a1 M17 l657, you're talking about physical features? Have you met Kalasha? They're blond hair people who are haplogroup L, and have ancient Indo Aryan origins, they practice an ancient Rig Veda that was prevalent with the rest within Pakistan, the reason for Punjabis being darker skinned from gene studies is because they show 40% ASI genes from their maternal sides, their face shapes are still Caucasian, if you look at many ethnic groups within Punjab like Ahirs and Khambojas, they look just as light as anybody else, the Mirpuris in the UK look lighter in skin color than Afghan Pashtuns too, its noticeable, they're still Pahari people who speak a northern Punjabi dialect. Pakistani Pashtuns on gene test cluster with Sindhis, also many Pashtuns in Pakistan are even darker skinned than Punjabi people in Peshawar, watch a movie named Son of a lion, this proves it, you say that Pashtuns ended up in Pakistan, wrong, Pashtuns makes up 2nd largest population in Pakistan, even Balochis on gene test from the Harappa Project cluster with Sindhi people, and many Balochis are dark skin also, still dard people of Pakistan are lighter than both people, also, Pakistani Pashtuns are R1a1 M17 l657, Afghan Pashtuns are G2c Hun, this is mostly of Khazar Ashkenzai, and majority of Pakistanis are Karlani tribes, from Pashtun folklore, they're considered as adopted Pashtuns, it shouldn't matter though because Karlanis are the most warlike of the Pashtuns, whatever facial features you find in NWFP, I can find in Punjab in areas of attock, except for the Semite look that Afghan Pashtuns sometimes have. Even Herodotus said that Pactiyans were the most warlike of the Indian tribes, they inhabited the Khyber Pass and we're called Afridis, now Afridis are Karlani people, not Hun Afghan people or the Yousefzai Saka people.
DeleteShut the fuck up, you Indians are darker. Everyone knows that and there is no difference between pushtoons in Pakistan and Afghanistan, they were divided by britians about a hundred years ago, so in such short time you can't just define them as different. Pushtoons are and will be same in term of genetics, cause they have strong tribal code not to mix with Punjabi, Indians scums or outsiders. Rest Punjabi Sindhi and other bullshit are exact same people with Indian ancestry in them.
DeletePakistan made a massive mistake allowing these dumb afghans into their country. When you see people such as darkwispers claiming this nonsense that Pakistani Pakhtuns call them Afghan you know how much hatred they have for our country. In our local area I have come across so many Pakistani Pakhtuns who call themselves Pakistani, never Afghan. I think darkwhispers you are confused as there are millions of afghan refugees who come from afghanistan and call themselves afghans even when they live in Pakistan. Of course they should call themselves afghans because that is what they are. The real Pakistani Pakhtuns never call themselves Afghans.
ReplyDeleteFuck Pakistan, you guys took half of our country. We will make sure to get it back, fucking pakis.
DeleteThis whole article was a joke.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all the word Afghan DOES mean Pashtun, and I'm a Tajik Afghan admitting that. We all consider Afghan as our nationality, but we also know that ethnically we are not "Afghans". P
Pakistani land? Pakistan is barely 60 years old. That land has and always will be Afghan/Aryan land that belonged to the Tajiks/persians than the Pashtuns changed the name to Afghanistan about 300 years ago when they came into power. No one is trying to steal Pakistani land, actually we just want our own land, which according to the Durrand line treaty was supposed to be back under our power as of 1993. All Pashtuns are Afghans, but not all Afghans are Pashtuns.
Also the "amreen" there is no such thing as a Pakistani Pashtun. A pakistani Afghan? Does that even make sense? No, their nationality may be Pakistani according to present day illegal occupation of our land, but even in Pakistan, all Pashtuns passports have "Afghan" written on them.
Most Pakistanis are darker skinned and Indian looking, you can definitely tell the difference between Pashtuns and the rest of Pakistan. Not to mention their culture and lanuage is COMPLETELY different than the rest of PUnjabi/desi Pakistan. Just because the treaty separated the tribes and more pashtuns ended up in what was India at the time, does not make them Pakistani or Indian. They know who they are, and they know where their home land is. Don't try to steal their identity from them.
Hahahahah, you're a Tajik scum, do you not realize that Jat Sikhs within Punjab have long heads, wheatish skin, and are of a lot taller stature than the average Middle Easterner or South Asian, Pakistani Pashtuns are R1a1 M17 l657, you're talking about physical features? Have you met Kalasha? They're blond hair people who are haplogroup L, and have ancient Indo Aryan origins, they practice an ancient Rig Veda that was prevalent with the rest within Pakistan, the reason for Punjabis being darker skinned from gene studies is because they show 40% ASI genes from their maternal sides, their face shapes are still Caucasian, if you look at many ethnic groups within Punjab like Ahirs and Khambojas, they look just as light as anybody else, the Mirpuris in the UK look lighter in skin color than Afghan Pashtuns too, its noticeable, they're still Pahari people who speak a northern Punjabi dialect. Pakistani Pashtuns on gene test cluster with Sindhis, also many Pashtuns in Pakistan are even darker skinned than Punjabi people in Peshawar, watch a movie named Son of a lion, this proves it, you say that Pashtuns ended up in Pakistan, wrong, Pashtuns makes up 2nd largest population in Pakistan, even Balochis on gene test from the Harappa Project cluster with Sindhi people, and many Balochis are dark skin also, still dard people of Pakistan are lighter than both people, also, Pakistani Pashtuns are R1a1 M17 l657, Afghan Pashtuns are G2c Hun, this is mostly of Khazar Ashkenzai, and majority of Pakistanis are Karlani tribes, from Pashtun folklore, they're considered as adopted Pashtuns, it shouldn't matter though because Karlanis are the most warlike of the Pashtuns, whatever facial features you find in NWFP, I can find in Punjab in areas of attock, except for the Semite look that Afghan Pashtuns sometimes have. Even Herodotus said that Pactiyans were the most warlike of the Indian tribes, they inhabited the Khyber Pass and we're called Afridis, now Afridis are Karlani people, not Hun Afghan people or the Yousefzai Saka people.
DeleteTajiks belong to Tajikistan
ReplyDeleteUzbeks belong to Uzbekistan
Turkmen belong to Turkmenistan
Hazara are half Mongolian
Pashtuns are the TRUE AFGHANS.
Why do you think all Afghan Kings and Presidents are Pashtun.
Also Pakistan has stolen our land. Kyber Pakhtunkhawa and FATA as well as Northern Balochistan belong to Afghanistan. Pakistan is LAND HUNGRY even ask India. Also Pakistan has been funding the Taliban so Afghanistan becomes destabilized and greedy Pakistan gets to the keep the Afghan lands.
ridiculous article
ReplyDeleteWe Are Pashtun We Have 6000 Years History We are Not AFGHAN Bcz According To Books And GOOGLE THE Name AFGHAN Was Given IN 1700 TO Seller OF CLOTHES and also According To AFGHAN CONSTITUTION Every CItiizen Of AFGHANISTAN IS AFGHAN it does not matter he is TAJIK UZBAK HAZARA ETC
ReplyDeleteایران کےپارسی پختون کو افغان کہتے ھیں۔ اور پنجاب کے سکھ پختون کو پٹھان کہتے ھیں ۔
ReplyDeleteلفظ افغان دو الفاظ آہ و فغاہ سے نکلا ھے جسکے معنی رونا فریاد اور آہ و زاری ھے۔ ایرانیوں کے مطابق جب وہ ان پہ حملہ آور ھوتے تھے تو یہ لوگ ان سے لڑنے کے بجائے فریاد اور آہ وزاری کرتے تھے۔
لہذا اسی وجہ سے پختون قوم کو اپنے لئے افغان کا لفظ استمال نہیں کرنا چاہئے۔ کیونکہ لفظ افغان ایرانیوں نےبطور تکذیب یا حقارت کہا ھے۔
پختون قوم کا اپنا نام پختون ۵۰۰۰ پانچ ھزار سال پُرانا نام ھے۔ جبکہ لفظ افغان تو ایرانیوں ان کو دیا ھے۔ اور یہ فارسی زبان کا لفظ ھے۔ یہ بالکل ایسا ہی ھے جیسا کہ انگلینڈ کے باسیوں کو فارسی زبان میں فرنگی کہا جاتا ھے
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